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Friday, October 25, 2013

Cover Reveal

As promised, here's the cover. I'm immensely proud of how it and the story both came out. I think they will compliment one another well and at the low, low price of $0.99, you just can't beat that for a Halloween read. I hope you enjoy (and I hope you will all pick up a copy here).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Six people were crowded inside of the elevator car.

Five of them wore blue gloves and knee-length white coats over scrubs; the sixth wore a dark suit and a wireless earpiece. A lab cart had been assigned to each of the technicians while the man in the suit carried a tablet. Everyone looked straight ahead in silence, focused on the task at hand.

The doors opened; the stop switch was pulled. The suited man started a timer on his tablet as the five techs pushed their carts out of the elevator. Of the twenty doors in the long hallway, five had been pre-selected; in concert, the techs knocked and waited while the suited man watched.

Read the rest here. And check out more from this author here.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

#Review of Jimmy Pudge's The Booty Goblin

There's a new little monster everyone should be afraid of. The Booty Goblin is a little demon that has the strangest means of killing his victims. I love the mythos Pudge creates around this character. I love how the only thing it can say is 'booty booty booty'. And per usual, Pudge's easy style makes reading this story a breeze. I bought this book 2 days ago and barely read any of it the first day. One of the things I love most is the complete impossibility of predicting who is going to make it to the end of the story. Once again, I was wrong. Pudge isn't afraid to kill major characters before the third act. Ramps up the tension, leaving the reader wondering whom to hang his hopes on. I would highly recommend this story to anyone who has ever read and enjoyed a book by Jimmy Pudge.

Download a copy here. Only $0.99.